Death is near and our mutual company is short. -Hazrat Ali (a.s)

Nobility is a matter of good intellect and good conduct, not of lineage and descent. -Hazrat Ali (a.s)

SECRETS Nobody can guard your secrets better than you, so do not blame anyone for revealing your secrets, for you could not hide them yourself. Your secret is your prisoner, which if let loose it will make you its prisoner.


Tasbih of Fatima Zehra (sa) :- Once the Prophet’s (saw) daughter Fatima Zehra (as) asked the prophet for a helper. The Prophet(saw) advised her to recite the Tasbih which is known as ‘Tasbih e Zehra’. This Tasbih is usually recited after each obligatory salat. However it also has great value for solving the problems of Rizq, Sustenance, Business, Job etc. Recite the tasbih with the niyat (intention) of seeking rizq (sustenance), before leaving the house ,before commencing business and before starting work at office.
34 times -Allah o Akbar, 33 times- Alhumdolillah & 33 times- Subhanallah

Shab e Juma and Friday Dua

Friday and Friday Nights Importance:The children of Hazrat Yaqoob ( a.s.) [Jacob] asked their father to request Allah to forgive them.  Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s.) said;   ” I will ask for you forgiveness from, my Lord”  (Yusuf12, verse 98) .Interpreting this verse, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said:  ” Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s.) delayed asking forgiveness until dawn of Friday night.”
There are two hours on Friday when Duas are answered: one is when Friday leader has completed the sermon and the worshippers are prepared for Friday prayer.  The other is the last moments of Friday that is:  “When half face of the sun is hidden.”

GHUSL :Holy Prophet said:”O Ali! People must bathe [at least] once every seven days, so do Ghusl (bathe) every Friday, even if you have to buy the water with [the money set aside for] your provision of that day and go without food, for there is no recommended act of worship greater than it.”[Reference: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 81, p. 129, no. 18

SADAQA Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said, “My father was having less money and had more expenses ,despite that he used to give Sadaqah every Friday. He used to say that the reward of Sadaqah on Friday is two-fold, for Friday is better than all other days.” According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad As Sadiq alms and charity, given on Friday, collect and gather, in return, compensation, what is due multiplied by 1000 times. Give out in the name of Allah as soon as the night begins.

SALAWAAT The narrator asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.), “Which is the best deed on Friday?” Imam (a.s.) replied, “Reciting Durood on Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and his progeny a hundred times after Salaat-e-Asr on Friday. It is better to recite more than that.” (Sawabul A’amaal )

O Allah, (please) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad. all¡humma ¥alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li mu¦ammadin اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

It is also advised us to recite the following salwaat as many times as possible during the night and also till the end of the Friday

O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. Very soon, as early as possible, send them to us, a joy after sorrow. And destroy their enemies, From among the jinn and men, From the beginning to the end. All¡humma ¥alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li mu¦ammadin

wa `ajjil farajahum

wa ahlik `aduwwahum

mina aljinni wal-insi

mina al-awwal¢na wal-¡khir¢n

اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ وَاهْلِكْ عَدُوَّهُمْ مِنَ الجِنِّ وَالاِنْسِ مِنَ ألاَوَّلِينَ وَالآخِرِين



  1. 28-11-2018
    19 M.R.AWWAL 1440
    FAJR : 5:45am,
    QAZA : 6:53am,
    ZOHAR : 12:27pm,
    QAZA : 6:00pm,
    MAGRIB : 6:14pm
    FAJR : 5:38am,
    QAZA : 6:56am,
    ZOHAR : 12:26pm,
    QAZA : 5:55pm,
    MAGRIB : 6:08pm
    FAJR : 5:41am,
    QAZA : 7:01am,
    ZOHAR : 12:30pm,
    QAZA : 6:02pm,
    MAGRIB : 6:09pm
    FAJR : 5:42am,
    QAZA : 7:02am,
    ZOHAR : 12:29pm,
    QAZA : 5:52pm,
    MAGRIB : 6:06pm
    *25th to 30th November 2018*
    FAJR : 5:28am,
    QAZA : 6:51am,
    ZOHAR : 12:07pm,
    QAZA : 5:24pm,
    MAGRIB : 5:35pm
    *25th to 30th November 2018*
    FAJR : 5:03am,
    ZOHAR : 11:56pm,
    MAGRIB : 5:54pm
    *25th to 30th November 2018*
    FAJR : 5:44am,
    ZOHAR : 12:18pm,
    MAGRIB : 5:34pm
    *25th to 30th November 2018*
    FAJR : 5:08am,
    ZOHAR : 12:06pm,
    MAGRIB : 5:59pm
    *25th to 30th November 2018*
    FAJR : 5:22am,
    ZOHAR : 12:13pm,
    MAGRIB : 5:49pm


Imām Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (عليه السلام) ne farmaya: “Din me Sadqah dena Gunaho ko is tarah khatm kar deta hai jaise pani me namak khatm ho jata hai, Raat me diya gaya sadqa Allāh ke gusse to thanda kar deta hai .” [Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal , Page 189] (Salwat)


Anjuman e Imamia Jammu today called an emergency meeting of its executive body to condemn the telephonic conversation of Saif Abbas representative of Sadiq Sherazi and also the principal madrasah Abu Talib Lucknow India.
During the meeting president Syed Amanat Ali Shah said it is a conspiracy to create a ridge between the Muslim Ummah and sponsored by US, Israel and other allies. He further added that we should be aware of these kind of sponsored so called aalims that are openly against the concept of Wilayat and we strongly condemn and appeal to muslim ummah that be united and fight against this kind of propaganda against wilayat and world leader Rehbar e Moazam.

While speaking on the occassion Prof. Shujat Khan said that these kind of acts and gatherings specifically organized on Ayamey Fatima in UK and these venom spitting Zakireens have been provided with all the logistic support like their Visas and other facilities by the MI6.
He further added that Islam never has its roots in UK and we will strongly condemn the Sadiq Sherazi group who is working shoulder to shoulder with anti Islamic forces and its our prime duty to unveil their criminal agendas of dividing the Shias and Sunnis.

ARABAIN 1439 HIJRI DATED 10 11 2017

Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu
Head Office Karbala Complex Jammu.

Ref No.aij/110 Date:10 11 2017

Keeping the tradition alive a procession of Chehlum (40th Day) of Shodaye Karbala was taken out under the banner of Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu in Jammu city. People from different faiths pay tribute to the martyrs of karbala. The procession started from Peer Mitha sofi Shah and passed through its traditional route lakhdata bazar, rajinder bazar, Ghaas Mandi Chowk, wazarat road and culminated at karbala complex. Thousands of mourners participated in the procession to pay rich tributes to the martyrs of karbala.
Maulana Syed Ali Badshah Naqvi Imam Jumma addresed the gathering of mourners before the procession was taken out. He passionately narrated the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his companions at karbala. The mourners paid homage to Imam Hussain (a.s) by taking out Alam and Tazia procession.
President Anjuman-e-Imamia Syed Aman Ali Shah said that it is because of the shahadat of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his 72 companions that Islam is alive. He sacrificed everything for the sake of Huimanity and Islam. He further added that after 1400 years people still observed Moharram with same passion.
The mourners were also expressing their solidarity with people of Bahrain, Yemen, Palestine and Nigeria .However, in various sermons the clerics said that Karbala teaches all the communities to come out of ignorance and fight against those who are killing and committing atrocities across the world.
To pay homage to martyrs of Karbala a Blood Donation Camp was also organized by Anjuman-e-Imamia in collaboration with Shaheed Mutahiri Library New Plot, Anjuman-e-Haidery New Plots, ALMSAJ. Donors from Jammu, Poonch, Gursai, Surankote, Mandi, Kashmir and especially students from Ladakh and Kargil student associations participated in good number.
While speaking to media Prof. Sujat Khan Secretary Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu said that we are doing this noble cause of donating blood for the sake of humanity that we have learned from the battle of karbala.
Keeping the sense of communal harmony alive once again jammuites showed the example of brotherhood as people from different communities participated in the procession.
While presenting vote of thanks after culmination of the procession Prof. Sujat Khan Secretary Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu said that we are thankful to the administration and all the departments for their unconditional support to make this event a success. He also thanks all the Anjumans like Anjumans of poonch , Kashmir, Anjuman-e-haidery new plot, Anjuman-e-hussaini bathindi, and All Ladakh Muslim Students Association jammu, volunteers of shaheed Mutahiri Library New Plots.

Prof. Sujat Khan


*Din o Raat me Sadqa*

Imām Ja’far ibn Muhammad  al-Sādiq (عليه السلام) ne farmaya: “Din me Sadqah dena Gunaho ko is tarah khatm kar deta hai jaise pani me namak khatm ho jata hai, Raat me diya gaya sadqa Allāh ke gusse to thanda kar deta hai .” [Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal , Page 189] (Salwat)


No more than 50 years had passed since the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam) and the Muslim Empire was sliding into corruption under a tyrant from the Ummayad dynasty, Yazid.

Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad took a stand against Yazid’s illegitimate rule. Whilst Yazid was in equal parts feared and despised for his ruthlessness, Hussain was admired and respected by society at large. Mindful of this, Yazid decided that he would demand Hussain’s allegiance, hoping to gain some form of legitimacy for his inherited rule.

Hussain had a choice to make. To endorse Yazid would no doubt mean a handsome reward and a life of luxury. To refuse would invariably lead to his own demise. What should he do? What would you or I do? For Hussain the choice between the easy thing and the right thing was no choice at all.

Hussain refused.

He said: “I will never give Yazid my hand like a man who has been humiliated, nor will I flee like a slave… I have not risen to spread evil or to show off… I only desire to enjoin good values and prevent evil.”

His life now under threat, Hussain decided to move himself and his family to Mecca in the hope that Yazid’s agents would respect the holy city. As he waited, pondering his next move, messages of support began to arrive from across the empire. He left for Kufa, a city in Iraq, but en route, he was intercepted by a battalion of Yazid’s soldiers, who blocked Hussain and his supporters from going towards Kufa and instead forcibly diverted towards the desert town of Karbala.

Once they reached Karbala, forces surrounded their small band and blocked their access to the water supply. With both camps stationed at Karbala, a stalemate ensued. Hussain had made it clear that he could not, and would not, bow to Yazid. The opposing forces of 30,000 soldiers, which vastly outnumbered Hussain’s small band of seventy-two men and their families, were under strict orders not to let Hussain leave.

After a week, word reached Hussain that Yazid had sent orders that he was not to be allowed to leave Karbala until he had taken an oath of allegiance. The end was drawing close.

The final stand of Hussain ibn Ali.

That night Hussain assembled his group, stressing to them that it was his life that Yazid wanted and that they might be able to escape. Again, Hussain’s selflessness shone through. There he stood, amongst his family and companions, all having been deprived of water in the scorching desert for three days, pleading with them to leave him and save themselves!

After a few days of this stalemate, the government forces were commanded to attack and kill Hussain and his companions. Hussain’s men were vastly outnumbered. The hour for battle commenced, Hussain’s companions departed from their camp in small bands and one after the other – all fighting valiantly before being killed.

Throughout the day the forces of Yazid asked Hussain for his allegiance, yet Hussain resisted. Eventually Hussain was alone with no one left to support him. Fatigued, thirsty, and heavily wounded, Hussain fell to the ground as the women and children looked on.

He too was killed mercilessly, yet he died holding on firmly to his principles.


1..Imam Hussain (a.s.) himself and his friends were martyred in the Ashoora’s tragic event, his family was taken prisoner, their properties were plundered and looted but the aim and objective of Hussain (R.A.) remained alive.

2..If Imam Husayn had aimed at acquiring a worldly empire, he would not have traveled the way he did (from Medina to Karbala). Husayn weltered in blood and dust for the sake of truth. Verily he, therefore, became the bed-rock (foundation) of the Muslim creed; la ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah).

3..The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who do not expect him to help”

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

“To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell”

(Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)



Ashura is the story of Imam Hussain AS, who was martyred by the forces of Yazid on the plains of Karbala in what is modern-day Iraq. The word “Ashura” literally means “10th” since it falls on the 10th of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. The story of Imam Hussain AS is one of sacrifice, and inspiration, in order to defy tyranny and preserve the ethos and values of the Islamic faith from corruption. The hedonistic caliph Yazid, ruling from Damascus, sought to force Hussain AS to swear fealty to him, in order to gain legitimacy for his claim of spiritual and political authority.

Hussain AS was the grandson of the Prophet SAW, the son of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Talib SA. (The abbreviation AS stands for “alayhis salam” which is a customary honorific applied to the name of important figures in Islam. The acronym SAW is a similar acronym reserved for the Prophet Muhammad alone, which translates to “upon him be peace.”) Yazid knew that his rule depended on securing Hussain’s AS allegiance. Hussain AS did not seek political power for himself or to replace Yazid. Hussain AS only sought to assert his spiritual authority and guide muslims in the faith. But his spiritual authority was perceived as a political threat by Yazid, and his refusal to submit an act of defiance. The significance of Ashura to Shiite muslims is in mourning the martyrdom of Hussain AS, but also in inspiration for doing what is right for the greater good. Hussain’s AS sacrifice reminds us that we must not accomodate forces that seek to coopt religion for political gain, that we must not abandon our values and our beliefs.

Ashura is not a sectarian doctrine but a timeless message that resonates in every era. Muslims today (Shiite and non-Shiite alike) can draw inpsiration from Hussain AS in many ways, such as choosing to retain their so-called “muslim garb” (of Juan Williams’ consternation) despite the unwanted attention it may bring them. Likewise, in Yazid we can see the face of other tyrants and self-styled authorities, such as Anwar al Awlaki or Osama bin Laden, who invoke and corrupt religion to further their nakedly political ambitions.

But central to Ashura must be sorrow. There is a great tragedy in the martyrdom of a saint, and Hussain AS was a prince among saints. Shiite muslims mark the occassion of Ashura by reciting marathiya, rhythmic liturgies that recount the story of Karbala. We also symbolically express our grief with matam, a symbolic beating of our breast with our open palm. These rituals are performed in majlis, a gathering at mosques or other centers, on the days leading up to Ashura and on the day of Ashura itself. Thus, Shiite Muslims have observed and remembered the sacrifice of Hussain for centuries. In our sorrow is our responsibility to fulfill the uncompleted trust laid upon us by Imam Hussain AS.

Hussain AS lay against the tree, beaten and bloodied, pierced by arrows and swords. The wicked Shimr came to him and shoved him roughly to the ground. Shimr sat upon Hussain’s AS chest and tried to cut his neck with a blunted knife, but Hussain AS cried out, “Shimr, arise! Your knife will not cut here, for this is where the Prophet SAW kissed me often as a child.”

With sudden strength, Hussain AS threw Shimr off, and then performed one final sajda (prostration). In that last fleeting moment, before Shimr lowered his sword, Hussain AS prayed for Islam, for muslims and the world. YA HUSSAIN!


Note: When the word “Karbala” is used in the context of Muslim history or culture, it almost invariably refers to the events around the Battle of Karbala in which Hussein was slain, not the city that stands there today.
Karbala (Arabic: كربلاء‎; BGN: Al-Karbalā’; also spelled Karbala al-Muqaddasah) is a city in Iraq, located about 100 km (60 mi) southwest of Baghdad at 32.61°N, 44.08°E. In the time of Husayn ibn Alī’s life, the place was also known as al-Ghadiriyah, Naynawa, and Shathi’ul-Furaat. The estimated population in 2003 was 572,300 people. It is the capital of Karbala Governorate. Shi’a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. The city is best known as the location of the Battle of Karbala

There are several theories as to the origin of the name Karbala. One traditional hypothesis is geographer Yaqut al-Hamawi’s belief that the name is an alternate Arabic feminine version of karbalah “soft earth”.[1]. Another theory is that the name came from the Aramaic root Karb or Qarb; meaning “Near”, and Alah; meaning God. Hence, the word ‘Karbala’ signifies ‘Near God’.[2]

According to Shī‘ah belief, the true meaning of the name Karbalā was narrated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel as being, “the land which will cause many agonies (karb) and afflictions (balā).”[3]


Usool -ad-Deen (Roots of Religion)

  • Tawheed – (Oneness of God) The most fundamental aspect of all beliefs revolves around the total acceptance of the Absolute and Perfect Creator. Belief in the Originator of all causes and effects with no effect on Him and that He is One, Everliving, Beneficent and Merciful. He has neither a colleague nor a partner. He begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like Him. The Almighty God is Unique and is Absolute in the Absolute sense. No entity in His Universe can ever comprehend His true state and none should even bother to try for it will lead to futility and insanity. Yet there is no doubt in any sane mind that His existence precedes all and His presence is Absolutely ubiquitous (everpresent). For anyone to say that God does not exist is a liar and a fool because such a person can NEVER disprove His existence, whether scientifically or philosophically, or for that matter in any method known. Because He is Absolute and none is like Him, no one in the relative world can ever physically define Him, and thus all idol worshippers and those who ascribe a shape or a body to Him are wrong. Ascribing a shape to the One who is beyond our limited perceptions would be tantamount to lying and giving a false appearance and a false representation. In addition, to believe that one can see God in the physical sense of sitting on a throne like some mythical being is certainly an untrue statement and should never be accepted. The Almighty Creator brings to existence everything with utmost Perfection and nothing in His Universe is imperfect. Thus to state that the Creator has created imperfect things is certainly a false statement. He is the One and Only and is Absolutely independent of anything and everything that exists. Glorified be His names, the Most High! 
  • ‘Adl – (Justice) Essentially part of Tawheed. Belief that God is Just. He will reward or punish any person according to his deeds and thus the notion of predestination (where all decisions are God’s and not any one else’s) in one’s deeds does not exist. It is absolutely forbidden in Islam to believe that the Almighty, Merciful Allah planned our destiny and that the good and the bad are just His Will and there is no choice for us between them (God forbid!). Those who ascribe to such lies do so because they want to blame their own evils on Allah and claim the good for themselves! Although the attribute of Allah’s Justice is not a separate entity of Allah for certainly the Almighty God can never be compartmentalized nor defined in any relative terms, it is nonetheless absolutely compulsory to believe and fully understand the importance of this attribute in Islam so as not to allow the evil suggestions of Iblees (curse of Allah be upon him and his progeny) and his companions from leading us astray. 
  • Nubuwwat – (Prophethood) Belief in the Prophets (PBUT) of God who excel all other persons for whom they are sent for. All prophets of Allah are perfect and sinless (ma’soom). Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH&HF) is the last of the prophets sent by God and the sealer of prophets for NO more are to come, EVER! The total number of prophets (PBUT) that were sent by God to mankind is 124,000 and every nation on earth was given guidance through them. In fact, all major religions today on earth can be traced to have these divinely guided teachers as their original propagators of the Truth of Allah. The best of His messengers all came from the same tree i.e. family lineage and many of them are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an which describes who they were and what their mission on earth was. It is important to note that no prophet on earth ever negated or rejected any of the other divinely ordained prophets and thus their message was always the same and one in purpose. Each established the law of the One and Only God and showed the way of life for humans to observe. From the very first creation of mankind, there was always a prophet on earth which was Prophet Adam (PBUH). This guidance from the Merciful Allah to establish His complete laws continued to the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) who exemplified the letters of the law in his most perfect behavior. He completed and perfected the one and only True religion, Islam. With the revelation of the last Holy Book, the Qur’an, which is the most protected and perfect book of God with us, he established as part of his mission, every concievable and practical law for mankind to follow in order to attain spiritual perfection. Great prophets such as Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaaq (Isaac), Yaqoob (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Dawood (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Musa (Moses), Yahya (John), and Isa (Jesus), – (Peace be upon them all) – all came from the one blessed lineage of Prophet Adam (PBUH) and ended with the last Messenger, Muhammad (PBUH&HF). It is also important to note that anyone who ascribes imperfections or mistakes to these divinely guided personalities is ascribing it directly to Allah who is certainly free from such. Acceptance of such ideas is also rejection of the message of Allah entirely. Thus with prophethood, a believer has to accept in their complete message without any reservations of possible errors or mistakes. 
  • Imamat – (Guidance) Belief in the divinely appointed leadership after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HF) to protect and guide mankind with the revealed Truth, the Holy Qur’an and the true practices of the Holy Prophet himself. The roles of these leaders is an integral part in the protection of all the Messengers and their divine Messages. The Almighty Allah appointed through the Holy Prophet himself, twelve Guides (Imams) to protect mankind from misrepresenting and misinterpreting the Truth. Belief in this is most important in Islam and no doubts about their positions should be allowed. They are indeed sinless (ma’soom) and perfect in the highest sense of the word. The Imams have direct knowledge from God, and their verdict is the verdict of God. After the Holy Prophet, only they can interpret and guide mankind in every aspect of life and death and all believers must acquire guidance from them or else they will certainly be lost. They do NOT bring any new laws nor do they ever innovate their own laws. They always exempliy and elucidate the practical (Sunnah) and the written (the Holy Qur’an). It is also important to note that they NEVER disagree with each other in their manners and duties nor in their representations of the Divine Laws. They are from the best and the most blessed and purified lineage of the last Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUT) and their names are as follows: (1) Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet who called him his only brother in this world and in the next, (2) Imam Hasan son of Ali, (3) Imam Husain son of Ali, (4) Imam Ali son of Husain, (5) Imam Muhammad son of Ali, (6) Imam Ja’far son of Muhammad, (7) Imam Musa son of Ja’far, (8) Imam Ali son of Musa, (9) Imam Muhammad son of Ali, (10) Imam Ali son of Muhammad, (11) Imam Hasan son of Ali, and the last and living Imam Muhammad son of Hasan, the establisher of the Truth till the end of this world (PBUT). There is no successor to the Twelfth Holy Imam Muhammad ibnul Hassan (PBUH) and he is LIVING today but is in occultation and appears only to those who are most in need and to those who are most virtuous and pious. By the Command of Allah, he will reappear to all when he will establish true justice on earth and will rule mankind compassionately with utmost perfection as is the Will of the Almighty Allah. He will abolish the evil establishments on earth and mankind will live under true guidance as should have been many centuries ago! 
  • Qiyaamat – (Resurrection) Belief in the Day of Judgement when all human beings shall be raised from the dead and all their good and bad deeds shall be ultimately judged and recompensed accordingly. This belief is most essential WITH the belief in the One True God. The Day of Judgement will prove to all in this Universe that the Almighty Allah is the Creator of all from nothing and is the Absolute Master. His divine presence shall be most apparent on this important Day for all to witness. It is a judgement Dayfor His creatures to know themselves and their relationship to the Creator Allah. Just as pursuit for justice is inseperable in any society on earth, so is the Ultimate Day of Justice inseparable for mankind.

Furoo-ad-Deen (Branches of Religion)

  • Salat (Prayers)
  • Saum (Fasting)
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  • Zakat (Poor Rate)
  • Khums (Wealth Tax)
  • Jihad (Striving)
  • Amr-Bil-Ma’roof (Enjoin what is good)
  • Nahi-Anil-Munkar (Forbid what is wrong)
  • Tawalla (To love and respect the Ahl-ul-Bait and their friends)
  • Tabarra (To disassociate from the enemies of the Ahl-ul-Bait)



01 Safar ahle bait entered Yazid’s Palace in Syria
06 Safar, martyrdom of Sukayna bint Husayn, youngest daughter of Hussain ibn Ali and a prisoner of Karbalā
13 Safar, death of Sukayna bint Husayn, youngest daughter of Hussain ibn Ali and a prisoner of Karbalā.
20 or 21 Safar, Arba’een or Chehlum (the 40th day after Ashura)
23 Safar, Birth of Muhammad al-Baqir
27 Safar, Migration (Hijrah) from Makkah to Madinah


JUMA NAMAZ KE KHUTBE KI FAZILAT Imam Ali (as): Jo shakhs Namaz e Juma ki Adaayegi ke liye Imam se Pehle Masjid mein jaaye Aur khamoshi se Khutba sune To Aainda Juma Tak Uska ye amal uske Gunaaho’n ka kaffara Shumaar kiya jayega. Iske alawa usay mazeed(additional) 3 dino’n ki Ria’yat (concession) bhi di jayegi kyun ki Allah st ka Farmaan hai: “Jo koi ek neki kare usay 10 guna sawaab diya jayega (Surah An’aam Surah 6, Ayat 160).” (Tafseer Noor us Saqlain, v3, p314) A humble request : Please do pray & work for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi.